The Effect of Cialis Soft

It turns out that even ancient Egyptian doctors studied the mechanism of erection; it can be read in ancient papyri, the age of which is more than two thousand years. However, doctors could not understand why the penis hardens, but they recognized that it is filled with an incomprehensible substance. In the XV century, it was believed that this substance is air, and only Leonardo da Vinci was the first to talk about increasing blood circulation in the genital organs, which is the result of an erection. In our time, everyone knows about erection; however, there is one more question to solve – how to increase its duration, to satisfy the partner, and most enjoy the sex. It is unlikely that the girl will like the situation when the man has already finished, and she just set up – such a relationship, alas, are doomed to break. And if this is love? Thus, there are new incentives to prolong the erection; however, before making a diagnosis, it is necessary to decide whether it is really needed to increase it? In the opinion of andrologists, the average erection lasts from 7 to 12 minutes, and if the sexual intercourse ends before 3 minutes, it is considered a deviation, and measures need to be taken. There are different ways to prolong the erection: to think about extraneous topics during intimacy, to drink alcohol (not recommended), to play sports, to eat plenty of chicken eggs, onions, garlic and horseradish (most importantly  not before intercourse) and other useful products, use secrets Chinese intimate gymnastics and other tricks.  However, the film shows that the best way to have a firm erection and good sex is to try generics like Cialis Soft.

These are pills used by men to get an erection as well as treat erectile dysfunction. It is a common resort for impotent men who could acquire impotence due to many reasons from which poor blood circulation in a penis, hormonal disorders, or shocking situations. Indeed, it is considered more than a way of treatment of the men’s painful problem rather than the drug for fun. It is used orally, and Cialis made in UK has more lasting effects than Viagra which even start more quickly. But people who are interested in buying these tabs must know that sexual stimulations are compulsory for getting the erection.


The Effect and Contraindications

Cialis Soft is a licensed medicine enhancing the health of the men who suffer from erectile disorders that do not allow the erection function to be fully realized in the sexual process. It is also considered as a good medical tool to treat the enlarged prostate. The mechanism of action lies in fostering the blood circulations in the arteries in the penis, making the blood pressure high. Moreover, it relaxes the prostate ways that abide from erection itself brings the relief from the prostate symptoms.

Before consuming the drug, be sure you do not have an allergy to Tadalafil – the active compound of Cialis Soft. Keep yourself in safety and check the reasons you cannot take the pills. Refuse the consumption if you have:

  • High or low blood pressure;
  • Hypertonic diseases;
  • Bleeding disorders;
  • Peyronie’s disease;
  • Angina;
  • Heart disorders.

Anyway, consult the doctor if you decide to apply the Cialis.

Mind that this drug is forbidden to use anyone younger than 18 years old.


Dosage & Usage

Cialis Soft is applied under the tongue once a day to treat the erectile dysfunction. The initial dose is 10 mg that can range to 20 if there are any specific and individual cases of tolerability. The effects commonly start in 15 minutes and long for 36 hours. The person using it should check the duration of the drug. If it is used to cope with prostate symptoms, the dose of 5 mg is commonly recommended. To reach better effects and benefits, use Cialis Soft approximately at the same time every day.

If there is a missed dose, use the pills as soon as possible to keep the effects in balance.


Side Effects and Overdose

The possible side effects may include dizziness, sweating, increased heart beating, hearing or vision loss and so on. Once your dosage diverges from recommended, you share the increased risk of getting side effects. That is why the immediate call to the doctor is required.