The term generic may be confusing for you, but this only means that one effective drug was patented some time ago and this patent has already expired. So all the ingredients from the original product were taken and put into a new pill that has received a new trademark. Generic Cialis has the same influence on the body as its original version. Buying and selling this product is absolutely legal.
The generic Cialis can be used for solving problems with the erectile dysfunction. This drug influences the flow of blood that gets into the penis in the process of sexual stimulation. The muscles of the genital organ start to relax, so the amount of blood is great. Generic Cialis can be taken in different dosages. It’s good to go to the doctor and choose the right variant of the pill for you. You can take the pill no matter when you plan to have a meal.
If you plan to take generic Cialis regularly, it’s better to take it at the same time of the day or night to get the best result and prevent the risk of side effects. If you have a little period of time, you will increase the risk to face some side effects and you will also have a chance of overdosing. If you forget to take the pill at the right time, you should take it once you remember about it. It’s always better to take the pill later than earlier than needed.
The recommended dose for the first time is 10 mg. You should take one pill approximately one hour before you start the sexual stimulation. If you decide to take generic Cialis regularly, you will need to start with 2.5 mg and discuss your further dosages with the doctor. You will have a strong effect after taking the pill for a few hours unless you are drunk or you have taken a lot of other drugs.
The influence of generic Cialis can be the strongest if you stick to the healthy lifestyle and you don’t take any additional drugs or drinks. However, if you feel relaxed after taking a portion of a strong drink, you will get a greater sexual excitement if you combine one shot with the generic Cialis pill. The effect from the pill can be prolonged by stimulating the genital organ and taking one more pill on the next day.